Biblia dot com websiteOne of the most touted major Bible software programs is Logos by Faithlife. I have owned and used Logos since V.2 in about 2003 (called Libronix back then). The Windows and Mac versions are now up to V.8. In addition, iPhone, iPad and Android phone and tablet versions are also available. I have spent thousands of dollars expanding my Logos library and dutifully upgrading as new versions have been released. The good news is that once I purchase Logos once, I can run it on the various platforms without spending more money except to upgrade versions as they come along. I don’t need to sing the praises of the Logos software; many others do that already.

However, I scarcely ever use my Logos main program – even though I regularly pay to keep it up to date and purchase occasional additional resources to expand my library. Why don’t I use it more? Because it is so complicated to use! Now, for someone who invests a considerable amount of time to learn its intricacies, then uses it almost daily and exclusively, its complexity ceases to be an issue I suppose. But that is not me. Now this post is not intended to primarily criticize the usability of Logos, but to point out why I like it and how I use it despite this major (to me) hindrance.

I like Logos primarily because of the resources (i.e., 43,000+ available books, etc.) I can only get digitally through their package. I primarily read as I do research. And Logos has made available a couple of excellent “book reader “tie-ins” which allow me to find the book(s) in my Logos Library I want to do research or reading in, and pull it up on my computer, tablet or phone screen and get to work. For me, this is the saving grace of owning my significant Logos book collection of 1,750+ volumes.

For my computers, laptop and desktop, is the place to go. This provides me with web-based access to my library. I go to the website, login with my Logos credentials and pick the books and Bibles I want to read. I usually have two columns open with a Bible in one and my commentary or other reference in the other. They are linked and synced so they scroll together. Scripture references in the books can be clicked on to read the actual Scripture in a popup box, and double-clicking actually opens the Bible Window to the passage. Simple and sufficient for what I need most of the time.

For my iPad and my Android-based phone, each have the “Faithlife Ebooks” app installed, and gives me most of the same features as the website version does. Very handy while sitting in a Bible class or waiting to get up to deliver a message.

For all who own Logos, whether you have figuresd out how to use it or not, maybe these two book reader features will make it more useful for you as it has for me.