World Video Bible School is a ministry in Maxwell, Texas serving the churches of Christ since 1986. They provide a large number of online video courses, DVDs, books, charts, audio files and other teaching materials. Many videos and courses are available free of charge through their website, with most of their physical media like books and DVDs, while not free, very reasonably priced. Thousands of individuals and congregations have been using their excellent materials for evangelism, Bible classes and small group studies for years.

One of the newer video series they offer is called “Bible Land Passages,” providing documentary videos by Bible scholars and teachers presenting important Biblical sites. I really like this series and have used several of the individual episodes in Bible classes or for my own education. Places visited so far include Jerusalem, City of Dan, Khirbet Qeiyafa, Gilboa, Masada, Qumran, Jericho, Shiloh, and more. Currently 12 episodes are available to watch for free at their website.

A section of compementary video “Reflections” are provided for leading a class or small group to understand the importance of the places covered in the Passages videos. Also on the website are many photos which can be downloaded and used for free in Powerpoint or other teaching situations.