A new series entitled, “A Shadow of Good Things to Come”: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament, is now available simply by clicking on the underlined link or by looking in the right-hand column of this page under SERIES.

This series of 27 messages was delivered to the Tanglewood Church of Christ in Odessa, Texas during 2006-2007. I was moved to prepare this study after reading an excellent book by Dr. John M. Oakes titled, From Shadow to Reality: A Study of the Relationship Between the Old and the New Testament, published by my good friend Toney Mulhollan at IPI Books.

However, our audio series is not by any means a repetition of the contents of Dr. Oakes’ book, but rather inspired by it. I determined to do my own research and study rather than simply repeating someone else’s good work.

The series looks at the role of the Old Testament in both revealing the coming Christ and keeping it a “mystery” (the Holy Spirit’s word). I eventually developed my presentation along these lines:

  • Introduction to the ideas of “shadow” and “mystery” as used in the New Testament to describe Christ in the OT.
  • Discovering Christ as revealed in prophecy.
  • Discovering Christ as revealed in the “types” of which He was the “anti-type.”
  • Discovering Christ as revealed in the sacrificial system of both Genesis and Leviticus.
  • Discovering Christ as revealed in the Melchizedek and Levite priesthoods.
  • Discovering Christ as revealed in the Jewish Holy Days, Festivals and celebrations.
  • Discovering Christ as revealed in the design of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness.
  • Three concluding lessons examining the Jesus and the New Testament writers use of the Old Testament “shadows” and Kingdom expectations.

Even 14 years later, I still delight in looking back over my study notes on this topic. It has enriched my understanding and preaching/teaching ever since! My only regret is that the audio of message #4 was lost over the interim and could not be included now.