That I am a serious student of the history of Christianity is clear. A significant part of my print and digital libraries consist of many varied texts and works on the subject. I presently teach a “Christian History and Doctrine” course at Sunset International Bible Institute. I often tell stories from Christian history as illustrations in my sermons and Bible classes. One of my study guides available in this website’s store is entitled, “Pictures from Christian History.” And reading earlier posts on this website shows a real bias in this same direction.
Therefore, this “Pick of the Week” naturally falls within the realm of church history as well. Every day I receive an e-mail entitled, “Today in Christian History.” It is a mini-newsletter which begins with 2 to 5 or even more significant events that occurred on that date within church history, often with links to read in more detail the background or bigger picture of the event. This daily e-mail is provided free of charge by the “Christianity Today“ magazine and media ministry, which is the largest and likely most influential publication reflecting evangelical Protestantism. In addition to the calendar events for the given day, a number of free articles are also made available on topics such as Christian world news, opinion, history, ministry, and interviews; plus, there is a link to the Christian History Magazine archives and limited access to the current edition of the Christianity Today magazine.
Since I am writing this on February 5, you can click here to see what is featured on this day. Here are some significant events:
- 1597 – 26 Japanese Christians are crucified for their faith in Nagasaki, Japan.
- 1631 – English clergyman Roger Williams arrives in America. Later banished from Massachusetts for opposing the church and government being one, he purchased land from native Americans, founded the colony of Rhode Island and established America’s first Baptist church.
- 1736 – John and Charles Wesley arrive in Savannah, Georgia to be missionaries to the native Americans.
- 1837 – Dwight Lyman (D. L.) Moody is born in Massachusetts. He will become one of the greatest revivalists in history and preach by word or print to as many as 100 million people in his lifetime.
- 1864 – Fanny Crosby will write her first hymn. By her death 50 years later she will have composed about 8,000 more – this despite being blind!
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